Wednesday, November 08, 2006
US Midterms and Rummy and Iraq
I wasn't particularly jubilant earlier today! I didn't even follow the election results as closely as I should have: Bush was adamant to 'stay the course', the Democrats did not have a clear policy on Iraq. Some of them were even advocating the break-up of the country – a recipe for disaster...
But less than an hour ago this evening, and for the first time in more than a year, I listened carefully to what George Bush, the de-facto President of Iraq, had to say! It brought an unfamiliar warmth to my old heart to see that man, who brought so much death and destruction to my country, broken. He couldn't hide that. It was written all over him!
Another of the President's Men going down? Rummy, who had the President's full confidence? Arrogant, murderous, contemptuous Rummy?
I am not a Democrat. But those two items made my day.
Can an Iraqi hope now? Perhaps a little.
Time for accountability? Dare we hope? Perhaps too soon for that.
The beginning o the end of a mad era? Perhaps too soon for that too.
To Americans I say: to see the man who has done so much damage to your country in that position in that press conference… I only have one word: Congratulations!
Your democracy may have many illnesses; you have a long way yet to go… but tonight many of you have shown the rest of the world that It and you are not dead yet.
In parting, I would just like to quote an American friend who wrote to me earlier today: " There’s hope at this juncture, for a sane approach to assisting you Iraqi’s with the hideous mess we created for you. We aren’t all crazy over here … There are huge numbers of intelligent (non-hawk-whack-jobs) who agonize over what we’ve done to you."
No analysis this time! That is good enough for me… for now!
But less than an hour ago this evening, and for the first time in more than a year, I listened carefully to what George Bush, the de-facto President of Iraq, had to say! It brought an unfamiliar warmth to my old heart to see that man, who brought so much death and destruction to my country, broken. He couldn't hide that. It was written all over him!
Another of the President's Men going down? Rummy, who had the President's full confidence? Arrogant, murderous, contemptuous Rummy?
I am not a Democrat. But those two items made my day.
Can an Iraqi hope now? Perhaps a little.
Time for accountability? Dare we hope? Perhaps too soon for that.
The beginning o the end of a mad era? Perhaps too soon for that too.
To Americans I say: to see the man who has done so much damage to your country in that position in that press conference… I only have one word: Congratulations!
Your democracy may have many illnesses; you have a long way yet to go… but tonight many of you have shown the rest of the world that It and you are not dead yet.
In parting, I would just like to quote an American friend who wrote to me earlier today: " There’s hope at this juncture, for a sane approach to assisting you Iraqi’s with the hideous mess we created for you. We aren’t all crazy over here … There are huge numbers of intelligent (non-hawk-whack-jobs) who agonize over what we’ve done to you."
No analysis this time! That is good enough for me… for now!
"Blogged out" or not, I just couldn't resist.
How about putting Rummy with his buddy in the same cell? Another photo of them in prison uniforms shaking hands would be a good crowning for an illustrious career. How about two separate trials, one for American lives and for damage to America and another, much longer one, for Iraqi lives and for damage to Iraq?
Tonight, a commentator on the BBC said that Iraq brought Rumsfeld down. I don't think that's true. It was the American people. Iraq just gave him a good beating and exposed him for what he was for the American public to see :)
And on a more serious note, the replacement is in line with my now long-held thesis that within the Establishment, the CIA / State Department association are winning against the Neocons and their DoD cronies. Good news for Allawi.
Hello Mr. Khaleel,
I came across your blog by pure happenstance. Very enlightening. I am a Canadian, living in Canada. I really enjoyed reading your posts and thoughts. I especially enjoyed your ideas concerning "The Five Americans". You have a really unique sense of humour, and perspective. :)
I would dare say that categorization could be applied to any nationality.
I would classify myself as a mix of Category 1 and 3.
Look forward to reading more.
As to Mr. Rumsfeld's resignation, I would humbly submit that it entails worse things to come. Until Mr. Bush leaves office, I can see only dark clouds for you and anyone else on the receiving end of Pax Americana.
Good luck, sir.
السلام عليكم سعيد ابو خليل
I recently found your blog as well. I find it very enlightening so far. I look forward to more posts.
مع سلام
Hello Abu Khaleel,
Yes, it's good to see even a flash of light in the 'tunnel'.
I believe Rummy had enough. The prospect of having to give hundreds of hours of testimony in front of Congressional committees out to expose all of his 'errors' was too much for the man.It's not enough that he resigned, his entire department must thoroughly investigated and that probably won't happen in the name of 'bipartisan reconciliation'. The arrogant fire-breathing coward 'cut and ran'from that.
The Dems are still very cautious and will try to work with Bush, who I believe is as crooked and unrepentent as ever. What is different is the ones who suffered, the Republican Congressmen now will not trust their leader and will make deals with the Dems independent of 'the decider'.
When I watched Iraq sometimes I got the impression of a mirror to the US. When Bush was strong and wouldn't work with the Dems, I saw extremism grow in Iraq. My hope now is that Iraqis, understanding that the US Congress is not going to let Bush make Iraq a colony or steal its oil, can get beyond this murderous impasse and negotiate some minimal issues they can all agree upon and save their country. Building trust is not easy or even logical.
As the US Congress investigates Bush's secret government, Iraqis need to question their leaders who have been found wanting and demand answers from them.
But Bush and his people can never be trusted.
Abu Kahleel, great to hear from you again, but expressing vindictive jubilation at the discomforture of others is not very saintly, is it? Don't you do "saintly" in Islam?
I fear that everyone's jubilation may be somewhat premature anyway. All this result means, far as I can see, is that the American strategy of "staying the course until ... whenever" will be replaced by one of "staying the course until ... we can find a way out of this mess." Which probably just means "whenever," since there seems no obvious way out, for either America or Iraq.
In Shakesperean terms, this may be the crucial turning point in Act III. There's still a lot of blood and tears to come in Acts IV and V. Have you returned to Baghdad, are you intending to return anytime soon?
Perhaps the real turning point will come when America admits that there's no sane reason for them to maintain the "Largest Embassy In The Known Universe" in Baghdad, and returns the site to the Iraqis.
Who could doubtless find a use for it as the "Donald Rumsfeld Memorial School of Insurgency." After all, he's the current world expert at inciting them.
[anonymous]"My hope now is that Iraqis, understanding that the US Congress is not going to let Bush make Iraq a colony or steal its oil, can get beyond this murderous impasse and negotiate some minimal issues they can all agree upon and save their country."
Do u really believe in this? That the Congress is so moral that he has a completely different vision than that of Bush's?
My dear friend i hope u know what r u talking about & please don't make me laugh. Bcs i trust nobody not even the humblest person on earth on my land & our oil.
Canadian and الاخ الذي كتب لي بالعربي, Thank you.
Diogenes, Amen to that, unlikely as it is!
"Hello" Anonymous,
Saad's remark reflects the predominant Iraqi sentiment, believe me. There is a lot that America has to do and demonstrate before ordinary people can believe anything coming from there. This is just one small aspect of the damage done.
From what I see in the Western media, there's nothing "saintly" about Islam!
Am I not even allowed a few moments of rejoicing every 4 years?
And yes, I'm still in Amman but I am rather frustrated at the moment, itching to go back.
Yippee! Yeah! Hip Hip Hurrah!
alhamdu l'illah!
teshbokhta l'alaha!
Glory by to God!
Praise Be!
My pessimism regarding the elections was WRONG! We got HOPE!
Now lets make good and wise use of our opportunities.
Given the damage done to America and the world, many folks in the current American administration should have their days in court, but I'm too much of a pessimist to expect that.
Hopefully the Democrats will reverse many aggressive and oppressive American policies. I am not sure anyone can quickly restore America's reputation, but since reputations are built on actions, we can start by changing the way we act.
I hold some hope that the US will exit Iraq, and that Iraqis will be able to reclaim their land from the takfiris and thugs. I have some slight hope that American military policy, both in terms of training and in terms of international involvement, will change.
May God grant my pessimism in all of this be proved as wrong as my pessimism regarding the elections.
Be Well,
Bob Griffin
yes, the election was a step in the right direction and cause for a tiny glimmer of hope....
but most of the Democrats (and I am one) are as sick as the Republicans
And, yes, it is good that sicko Rumsfeld is gone - but Bob Gates does not sound good either.
we still have a TON of work to do to turn things around.
god, I wish we could have stopped them from this stupid, stupid war
Hello Saad,
Can you believe I wrote that whole preachy sermon on trust and I can't even trust! But I'm not a hypocrite.
Let me point out that the Democrats will not be sworn in until January and we are hoping something plausible comes out of Baker's report.
The US will signal its intentions by ending its security operations, removing large number of troops, within a few months, at a steady pace, talking to Iraq's neighbors about securing its borders properly and providing money for reconstruction(hopefully to honest people, maybe thru the UN). These are the signs I am looking for in the Baker Plan or any Democrat plan. These signs will not necessarily (or even probably)improve security for Iraqis.
I've been reading about the French Revolution at wikipedia lately and I see parallels to Iraq.
Foreign armies on French soil, group versus group conflict, terrorism, religious extremism. Security was gradually restored over 15 years as each power group was decimated, ending in a single man, Napoleon Bonaparte. The selfish French politicans lost many, many opportunities to settle their conflicts.
I mention this because seeing the past we learn from the mistakes of others.
hm. i am reading this...
Robert Gates Involved in Iran-Contra Scandal
It is unlikely that the appointment of Robert M. Gates will lead to a significant change in direction with regard to the Middle East War.
Washington’s appointee to replace Rumsfeld at the helm of the DoD is part of the same stable of Iran-Contra officials.
The Iran-Contra Affair was a CIA sponsored covert operation during the Reagan administration which consisted in financing the Nicaraguan Contras from the proceeds of illegal covert arms sales to Iran.
[anonymous]"The US will signal its intentions by ending its security operations, removing large number of troops, within a few months, at a steady pace, talking to Iraq's neighbors about securing its borders properly and providing money for reconstruction(hopefully to honest people, maybe thru the UN). These are the signs I am looking for in the Baker Plan or any Democrat plan. These signs will not necessarily (or even probably)improve security for Iraqis."
My dear feller,
First is first. Nice theory BTW. So u hope that Iran will sign in for this sort of "Convention for peace in Iraq." They who have done everything in their might to get Iraq into this messy sh... U hope that they will shrink back from the situation they strived hard to create & where the fruit of victory is visible thru last week's dvpts in the US?
Secondly, security ops r necessary. What should change is how u carry them. Also removing the forces would not do any good. Two months ago, a Wapo article showed that for Iraq's 3600 km borders only.... 27000 border-guards r assigned!!! (Tiniest Iraqi Govt force.) U where saying?
Third, the problem of money for reconstruction is not finding the money or to whom u r going to hand it. It is in the MONITORING & CONTROL. Otherwise u will get another Hallib & KBR style scandals.
Lastly, U must bear in mind anonymous, that the Americans didn't come to Iraq to reconstruct or fight this or that. I can't understand how u people r thinking or which or how some powerful media is conditioning your thoughts. (they r doing a great job BTW).
The Americans came to Iraq only to loot & control the oil & make sure that no one is going to piss them off in the intnl scene. Not Opec, not Russia not China, & not even ol' Europe. So untill this job is done & the US is sure that the Iraqis r bound to give up on this issue without asking 'unnecessary' questions, then & only then they will withdraw from Iraq.
Capich? Comprendo? :)
BTW, ALL IRAQIS R AWARE OF THIS FACT. Only Dems&Reps in America r stupid enough to think they can outsmart everybody on that...
[cile]"Robert Gates Involved in Iran-Contra Scandal
It is unlikely that(...)"
Oh my GOD! U can't let people receive any White House nomination in peace without u throwing unpleasant info from their past? Live & let people l... euh, sh...
Glad to see u r still there & KICKING! ;)
Hello Saad,
The 'convention for peace in Iraq' would simply reaffirm the sovereignty of Iraq as a state. It's just for show and to end US responsiblity. Also,the US cannot afford to be blamed for partition of Iraq. The US cannot control the intentions of its neighbors and certainly cannot seal its borders as you have pointed out-they have tried to seal Anbar and the Iranian frontier for 3 years.
On the money, that is also a sovereignty issue. The US cannot dictate how a 'gift' will be spent so monitoring it once it is given is hopeless. I would say that too much money has been given and that has caused much corruption. In my opinion(don't laugh) I think small amounts should be 'loaned' to Iraqi women as they do in Bangladesh(Grameen Bank) which just got the Nobel Prize, and also a bit to build up the Iraqi oil industry, so your politicians can waste YOUR oil money. As far as humanitarian aid(food and medicine) the US should give whatever is necessary, period. The vast Iraqi bureacracy and security forces go forget it.
I agree that Iraq was invaded to bring the oil back into the world economy under US control. It no longer makes sense for the US to try to do this. By the end of the occupation it will cost $1 trillion dollars for the 4 year occupation. Iraq has 115 billion barrel oil reserves, lasting say 35 years altogether, which at $50 a barrel is only worth $6 trillion dollars. Even if the US killed every single Iraqi and stole every drop of oil it wouldn't be worth such a cost.
Iraqis must realistically evaluate their own future as a nation.
"Nothing focuses the mind like the sight of the gallows"-Dr. Samuel Johnson
Well, that is one hell of an ungrateful sentiment. I suppose we should just leave then and let the militias in your rotten country do what they do best. Islam at its finest.
"I suppose we should just leave then and let the militias in your rotten country do what they do best."
I suppose you just should, hopscotch.
First you failed to control the "foreign fighters" that your Army hyped up in the beginning.
Then you failed to control the home-grown insurgency that your Army finally admitted it was up against.
Now you're failing to control the militias, many of whom have Iraqi government backing - have you noticed how Maliki is totally under the orders of the Sadrist - freeing arrested Sadrist mullahs, ordering the US out of Sadr city?
You've created an Iraq made up of criminal gangs - militias, insurgents and criminals.
Your troops are just another gang in the mix now.
And the other gangs may hate each other, but they have one thing in common - they hate and despise you guys even worse.
Why the hell should anyone in Iraq feel any gratitude towards you for what you've done to their country?
You've carried out the most corrupt, incompetent, ignorant, impotent occupation in the history of warfare.
What on earth makes you think you could possibly put it right now?
Sorry, Abu. Seduced by the keyboard.
Dear Abu Khaleel, thanks for posting again. It's always good to hear from you.
[AK] "How about putting Rummy with his buddy in the same cell?"
Personally, I'd like to see Hussein VS Rumsfeld in a wire cage. They're both about the same age, and they both have other people's blood on their hands. Should be interesting.
The Gates nomination might not be much of a policy shift by Bush. Some analysts say Gates is more of the same, only competent.
Finally, you did send me an email which I intended to reply to. Since then and now, my computer has had some serious data corruption with the result that I can't access my old mail etc. If you would, please send it again and I'll mail you back. Thank you very much.
I find it utterly incredible (and, to be honest, at times somewhat amusing) that there are still people out there who want Iraqis to be grateful!!
Perhaps they have no idea what is happening in our country… or theirs.
Thank you. It was just an idea I wanted to discuss with some friends. It has taken several turns due to some input. I will try and send the modified version (without any attachments).
Oh, and Anonymous seeking gratitude,
Please have a look at this little journalistic investigation by Deborah Davies (Iraq's Death Squads, from Channel 4, broadcast: Tuesday 07 November) to have a tiny glimpse of life in Baghdad nowadays.
Taking it one step at a time. There will be a time of peace between you and me. We are not so different. We actually believe in the same thing. We just need to meet each other. Take the interest in meeting me and I know I can be your friend. Can you see that if you wrote this this would be true.
Joe Fortina
Omaha, Nebraska.
I thought US troops are so good in Iraq.
Perhaps, its just misunderstanding.
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"Blogged out" or not, I just couldn't resist.
How about putting Rummy with his buddy in the same cell? Another photo of them in prison uniforms shaking hands would be a good crowning for an illustrious career. How about two separate trials, one for American lives and for damage to America and another, much longer one, for Iraqi lives and for damage to Iraq?
Tonight, a commentator on the BBC said that Iraq brought Rumsfeld down. I don't think that's true. It was the American people. Iraq just gave him a good beating and exposed him for what he was for the American public to see :)
And on a more serious note, the replacement is in line with my now long-held thesis that within the Establishment, the CIA / State Department association are winning against the Neocons and their DoD cronies. Good news for Allawi.
Hello Mr. Khaleel,
I came across your blog by pure happenstance. Very enlightening. I am a Canadian, living in Canada. I really enjoyed reading your posts and thoughts. I especially enjoyed your ideas concerning "The Five Americans". You have a really unique sense of humour, and perspective. :)
I would dare say that categorization could be applied to any nationality.
I would classify myself as a mix of Category 1 and 3.
Look forward to reading more.
As to Mr. Rumsfeld's resignation, I would humbly submit that it entails worse things to come. Until Mr. Bush leaves office, I can see only dark clouds for you and anyone else on the receiving end of Pax Americana.
Good luck, sir.
السلام عليكم سعيد ابو خليل
I recently found your blog as well. I find it very enlightening so far. I look forward to more posts.
مع سلام
Hello Abu Khaleel,
Yes, it's good to see even a flash of light in the 'tunnel'.
I believe Rummy had enough. The prospect of having to give hundreds of hours of testimony in front of Congressional committees out to expose all of his 'errors' was too much for the man.It's not enough that he resigned, his entire department must thoroughly investigated and that probably won't happen in the name of 'bipartisan reconciliation'. The arrogant fire-breathing coward 'cut and ran'from that.
The Dems are still very cautious and will try to work with Bush, who I believe is as crooked and unrepentent as ever. What is different is the ones who suffered, the Republican Congressmen now will not trust their leader and will make deals with the Dems independent of 'the decider'.
When I watched Iraq sometimes I got the impression of a mirror to the US. When Bush was strong and wouldn't work with the Dems, I saw extremism grow in Iraq. My hope now is that Iraqis, understanding that the US Congress is not going to let Bush make Iraq a colony or steal its oil, can get beyond this murderous impasse and negotiate some minimal issues they can all agree upon and save their country. Building trust is not easy or even logical.
As the US Congress investigates Bush's secret government, Iraqis need to question their leaders who have been found wanting and demand answers from them.
But Bush and his people can never be trusted.
Abu Kahleel, great to hear from you again, but expressing vindictive jubilation at the discomforture of others is not very saintly, is it? Don't you do "saintly" in Islam?
I fear that everyone's jubilation may be somewhat premature anyway. All this result means, far as I can see, is that the American strategy of "staying the course until ... whenever" will be replaced by one of "staying the course until ... we can find a way out of this mess." Which probably just means "whenever," since there seems no obvious way out, for either America or Iraq.
In Shakesperean terms, this may be the crucial turning point in Act III. There's still a lot of blood and tears to come in Acts IV and V. Have you returned to Baghdad, are you intending to return anytime soon?
Perhaps the real turning point will come when America admits that there's no sane reason for them to maintain the "Largest Embassy In The Known Universe" in Baghdad, and returns the site to the Iraqis.
Who could doubtless find a use for it as the "Donald Rumsfeld Memorial School of Insurgency." After all, he's the current world expert at inciting them.
[anonymous]"My hope now is that Iraqis, understanding that the US Congress is not going to let Bush make Iraq a colony or steal its oil, can get beyond this murderous impasse and negotiate some minimal issues they can all agree upon and save their country."
Do u really believe in this? That the Congress is so moral that he has a completely different vision than that of Bush's?
My dear friend i hope u know what r u talking about & please don't make me laugh. Bcs i trust nobody not even the humblest person on earth on my land & our oil.
Canadian and الاخ الذي كتب لي بالعربي, Thank you.
Diogenes, Amen to that, unlikely as it is!
"Hello" Anonymous,
Saad's remark reflects the predominant Iraqi sentiment, believe me. There is a lot that America has to do and demonstrate before ordinary people can believe anything coming from there. This is just one small aspect of the damage done.
From what I see in the Western media, there's nothing "saintly" about Islam!
Am I not even allowed a few moments of rejoicing every 4 years?
And yes, I'm still in Amman but I am rather frustrated at the moment, itching to go back.
Yippee! Yeah! Hip Hip Hurrah!
alhamdu l'illah!
teshbokhta l'alaha!
Glory by to God!
Praise Be!
My pessimism regarding the elections was WRONG! We got HOPE!
Now lets make good and wise use of our opportunities.
Given the damage done to America and the world, many folks in the current American administration should have their days in court, but I'm too much of a pessimist to expect that.
Hopefully the Democrats will reverse many aggressive and oppressive American policies. I am not sure anyone can quickly restore America's reputation, but since reputations are built on actions, we can start by changing the way we act.
I hold some hope that the US will exit Iraq, and that Iraqis will be able to reclaim their land from the takfiris and thugs. I have some slight hope that American military policy, both in terms of training and in terms of international involvement, will change.
May God grant my pessimism in all of this be proved as wrong as my pessimism regarding the elections.
Be Well,
Bob Griffin
yes, the election was a step in the right direction and cause for a tiny glimmer of hope....
but most of the Democrats (and I am one) are as sick as the Republicans
And, yes, it is good that sicko Rumsfeld is gone - but Bob Gates does not sound good either.
we still have a TON of work to do to turn things around.
god, I wish we could have stopped them from this stupid, stupid war
Hello Saad,
Can you believe I wrote that whole preachy sermon on trust and I can't even trust! But I'm not a hypocrite.
Let me point out that the Democrats will not be sworn in until January and we are hoping something plausible comes out of Baker's report.
The US will signal its intentions by ending its security operations, removing large number of troops, within a few months, at a steady pace, talking to Iraq's neighbors about securing its borders properly and providing money for reconstruction(hopefully to honest people, maybe thru the UN). These are the signs I am looking for in the Baker Plan or any Democrat plan. These signs will not necessarily (or even probably)improve security for Iraqis.
I've been reading about the French Revolution at wikipedia lately and I see parallels to Iraq.
Foreign armies on French soil, group versus group conflict, terrorism, religious extremism. Security was gradually restored over 15 years as each power group was decimated, ending in a single man, Napoleon Bonaparte. The selfish French politicans lost many, many opportunities to settle their conflicts.
I mention this because seeing the past we learn from the mistakes of others.
hm. i am reading this...
Robert Gates Involved in Iran-Contra Scandal
It is unlikely that the appointment of Robert M. Gates will lead to a significant change in direction with regard to the Middle East War.
Washington’s appointee to replace Rumsfeld at the helm of the DoD is part of the same stable of Iran-Contra officials.
The Iran-Contra Affair was a CIA sponsored covert operation during the Reagan administration which consisted in financing the Nicaraguan Contras from the proceeds of illegal covert arms sales to Iran.
[anonymous]"The US will signal its intentions by ending its security operations, removing large number of troops, within a few months, at a steady pace, talking to Iraq's neighbors about securing its borders properly and providing money for reconstruction(hopefully to honest people, maybe thru the UN). These are the signs I am looking for in the Baker Plan or any Democrat plan. These signs will not necessarily (or even probably)improve security for Iraqis."
My dear feller,
First is first. Nice theory BTW. So u hope that Iran will sign in for this sort of "Convention for peace in Iraq." They who have done everything in their might to get Iraq into this messy sh... U hope that they will shrink back from the situation they strived hard to create & where the fruit of victory is visible thru last week's dvpts in the US?
Secondly, security ops r necessary. What should change is how u carry them. Also removing the forces would not do any good. Two months ago, a Wapo article showed that for Iraq's 3600 km borders only.... 27000 border-guards r assigned!!! (Tiniest Iraqi Govt force.) U where saying?
Third, the problem of money for reconstruction is not finding the money or to whom u r going to hand it. It is in the MONITORING & CONTROL. Otherwise u will get another Hallib & KBR style scandals.
Lastly, U must bear in mind anonymous, that the Americans didn't come to Iraq to reconstruct or fight this or that. I can't understand how u people r thinking or which or how some powerful media is conditioning your thoughts. (they r doing a great job BTW).
The Americans came to Iraq only to loot & control the oil & make sure that no one is going to piss them off in the intnl scene. Not Opec, not Russia not China, & not even ol' Europe. So untill this job is done & the US is sure that the Iraqis r bound to give up on this issue without asking 'unnecessary' questions, then & only then they will withdraw from Iraq.
Capich? Comprendo? :)
BTW, ALL IRAQIS R AWARE OF THIS FACT. Only Dems&Reps in America r stupid enough to think they can outsmart everybody on that...
[cile]"Robert Gates Involved in Iran-Contra Scandal
It is unlikely that(...)"
Oh my GOD! U can't let people receive any White House nomination in peace without u throwing unpleasant info from their past? Live & let people l... euh, sh...
Glad to see u r still there & KICKING! ;)
Hello Saad,
The 'convention for peace in Iraq' would simply reaffirm the sovereignty of Iraq as a state. It's just for show and to end US responsiblity. Also,the US cannot afford to be blamed for partition of Iraq. The US cannot control the intentions of its neighbors and certainly cannot seal its borders as you have pointed out-they have tried to seal Anbar and the Iranian frontier for 3 years.
On the money, that is also a sovereignty issue. The US cannot dictate how a 'gift' will be spent so monitoring it once it is given is hopeless. I would say that too much money has been given and that has caused much corruption. In my opinion(don't laugh) I think small amounts should be 'loaned' to Iraqi women as they do in Bangladesh(Grameen Bank) which just got the Nobel Prize, and also a bit to build up the Iraqi oil industry, so your politicians can waste YOUR oil money. As far as humanitarian aid(food and medicine) the US should give whatever is necessary, period. The vast Iraqi bureacracy and security forces go forget it.
I agree that Iraq was invaded to bring the oil back into the world economy under US control. It no longer makes sense for the US to try to do this. By the end of the occupation it will cost $1 trillion dollars for the 4 year occupation. Iraq has 115 billion barrel oil reserves, lasting say 35 years altogether, which at $50 a barrel is only worth $6 trillion dollars. Even if the US killed every single Iraqi and stole every drop of oil it wouldn't be worth such a cost.
Iraqis must realistically evaluate their own future as a nation.
"Nothing focuses the mind like the sight of the gallows"-Dr. Samuel Johnson
Well, that is one hell of an ungrateful sentiment. I suppose we should just leave then and let the militias in your rotten country do what they do best. Islam at its finest.
"I suppose we should just leave then and let the militias in your rotten country do what they do best."
I suppose you just should, hopscotch.
First you failed to control the "foreign fighters" that your Army hyped up in the beginning.
Then you failed to control the home-grown insurgency that your Army finally admitted it was up against.
Now you're failing to control the militias, many of whom have Iraqi government backing - have you noticed how Maliki is totally under the orders of the Sadrist - freeing arrested Sadrist mullahs, ordering the US out of Sadr city?
You've created an Iraq made up of criminal gangs - militias, insurgents and criminals.
Your troops are just another gang in the mix now.
And the other gangs may hate each other, but they have one thing in common - they hate and despise you guys even worse.
Why the hell should anyone in Iraq feel any gratitude towards you for what you've done to their country?
You've carried out the most corrupt, incompetent, ignorant, impotent occupation in the history of warfare.
What on earth makes you think you could possibly put it right now?
Sorry, Abu. Seduced by the keyboard.
Dear Abu Khaleel, thanks for posting again. It's always good to hear from you.
[AK] "How about putting Rummy with his buddy in the same cell?"
Personally, I'd like to see Hussein VS Rumsfeld in a wire cage. They're both about the same age, and they both have other people's blood on their hands. Should be interesting.
The Gates nomination might not be much of a policy shift by Bush. Some analysts say Gates is more of the same, only competent.
Finally, you did send me an email which I intended to reply to. Since then and now, my computer has had some serious data corruption with the result that I can't access my old mail etc. If you would, please send it again and I'll mail you back. Thank you very much.
I find it utterly incredible (and, to be honest, at times somewhat amusing) that there are still people out there who want Iraqis to be grateful!!
Perhaps they have no idea what is happening in our country… or theirs.
Thank you. It was just an idea I wanted to discuss with some friends. It has taken several turns due to some input. I will try and send the modified version (without any attachments).
Oh, and Anonymous seeking gratitude,
Please have a look at this little journalistic investigation by Deborah Davies (Iraq's Death Squads, from Channel 4, broadcast: Tuesday 07 November) to have a tiny glimpse of life in Baghdad nowadays.
Taking it one step at a time. There will be a time of peace between you and me. We are not so different. We actually believe in the same thing. We just need to meet each other. Take the interest in meeting me and I know I can be your friend. Can you see that if you wrote this this would be true.
Joe Fortina
Omaha, Nebraska.
I thought US troops are so good in Iraq.
Perhaps, its just misunderstanding.
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